Women Rights

President upholds dismissal of PTV GM for sexual harassment

President Dr Arif Alvi has affirmed the penalty of dismissal and a fine of Rs1 million imposed by the Federal Ombudsman for Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace (FOSPAH) on General Manager (GM) Khalid Mehmood Lakhan of Pakistan Television (PTV).

The decision comes after Lakhan was found guilty of sexually harassing a makeup artist at the PTV Centre in Multan under the Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010.

The President dismissed Lakhan’s appeal and emphasized that such practices are condemned by both religion and the law.
The decision serves as a strong message to society, women in the workforce, and potential harassers, indicating that Pakistan will not tolerate such acts.

FOSPAH has directed the MD of PTV to implement the penalties and submit a compliance report within one week. The President noted that while a fair trial is essential, abuse of the legal process is not permissible.

Ensuring secure public and workplace environments for women is crucial in Pakistan for them to have equal rights, freedom of movement, access to education, and employment opportunities.

The President upheld FOSPAH’s decision, stating that it was based on law and facts and required no interference.

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