Child Rights

Parents serve legal notice to Aziz Jan School for expelling children

Landikotal: Parents have served a legal notice to the Aziz Jan School owner, Muhsin Aziz, principal Shazia, and admin Muhammad Shafiq Akram after they expelled children from school without any legal reason.

Ashrafuddin Pirzada, whose two daughters and son were studying in Aziz Jan Institute of Learning in Hayatabad for the past couple of years, told journalists that the school principal and admin expelled his son, Moeeduddin Pirzada, without any advance notice, telling him to take him out of school.

When he asked the school admin why his children were expelled, Muhammad Shafiq Akram said that on the directives of the school owner, the principal had expelled his son and daughter. Ashrafuddin Pirzada reminded them that expelling children without advance notice served to parents would be a gross violation of child rights, but they did not give any importance to it.

Pirzada argued with the principal and Shafiq that they would be responsible for all damages to the children’s future if his kids were deprived of education. Contrary to the brother and sister concession law, the so-called Aziz Jan School policy was that every third and fourth child studying had to leave the school.

Pirzada said that a few days ago, parents had paid two-month school tuition fees in advance, purchased uniforms, books, notebooks, and other stationery worth around 10k each child.

Pirzada tried to convince Shafiq Akram and his staff that they were violating the basic right of children and the law of the land, but to no avail. After all possible arguments, Shazia and Shafiq harshly told him that he had no right to ask, and just because of his arguments, his children were struck off from the school.

Immediately, Pirzada ordered the office assistant to take Moeed and Anam out of classes, and he did so. Pirzada said he had no option but to contact his lawyer and serve a legal notice to the school principal and prepare other documents to file a case.

Pirzada urged parents to take a stand for the sake of their children’s future and raise their voice against the school owner and administration; otherwise, their children’s future would be ruined.

Pirzada appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the Education Minister, human and child rights organizations, child rights protection, and other concerned quarters to take up this issue and stop child rights violations.

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